Hi, friends!!! here we present you with our best collection on Minion stuff! Have you ever thought about wishing a friend Happy birthday in Minion style!!! if not, check out our Happy Birthday Minions collection. Also, go through Minions communication and their funny words! We are sure, you won’t get disappointed!
Business tycoon? Professor? Famous personality? Actor? Scientist? Doctor? What are you going to be when you grow up? Whatever it is, I’m sure you will stand out from the crowd because I have not known a kid as bright and intelligent as you in my whole life. All the best and Happy Birthday Minions!

Today is the only day in the year you are going to be forgiven for being naughty. Hope you have an awesome Birthday party. Happy Birthday!

All the best and Happy Birthday Minions
Another Birthday Minions already? I can’t believe how fast you are growing up. You will be a superstar in no time. Happy Birthday!

Let’s get this party started by adding in loads of happy, tons of cool, and a busload of fun! Happy Birthday Minions!

I am totally excited about your birthday. I just can’t help it! You are such a cool person and I know it’s going to be super hip! Happy Birthday Minions!

Happy Birthday to Minions
Today is one special day that you get to celebrate despite the fact you’ve been naughty all year. Happy Birthday Minions!

You are a gift from God. I hope that He shines His love and joy on you…for your birthday and everyday!

You are such a great kid. There is so much that I could say about you. Happy Birthday and you are definitely super cool!

Happy Birthday friends
Birthday wishes for a special day that’s full of outstanding moments and friends!

Children are a gift from God. But you, my dear, are the best of all the gifts ever received. Thank you so much for being such a lovely child. Happy Birthday Minions!

Forget all of the extra words that people say. I’m just going to tell you how cool you are today! Happy Birthday Minions!

Happy Birthday to you
I hope you have the loudest, craziest and most fun Birthday party ever! Happy Birthday!
Have you always wanted to be loved, given gifts, pampered, given cake to eat and lots of other goodies no matter how badly you behaved? Well, today is your chance to indulge into all that. Make the most of it! Happy Birthday rock star.
I hope your Birthday is all about hugs, kisses, games and most importantly, a lot of cake! Happy Birthday my little super star.
I have a fantastic cousin and I know you know who it could be. It’s the person that’s as cool as a cucumber and that person’s super special to me. Happy Birthday To You, Minions!
“Minions Banana Language sounds silly, but when you believe that they’re actually communicating, that’s what makes it funnier.
While it is gibberish, it sounds real because Pierre puts in words from many languages and does the lion’s share of the Minion recordings.
There are a lot of food references. For example, ‘poulet tiki masala’ is French for the Indian chicken dish,” he said.
Some of these words are:
Kiss Kiss || Muak Muak Muak
What || Po ka3
For You || Para Tu
To Infinity And Beyond ! || bu ta na ma ka
Thank You ! || Tank Yu !
We Love You || Tulaliloo ti amo
I Hate You ! || Tatata Bala Tu
I’m sorry || Bi Do
Toy || Baboi
Bottom || Buttom
Apple || Bable
Ass || Butt
One || Hana
Two || Dul
Three || Sae
Chair || Chasy
Marriage || La Boda
Banana || Nanna
I’m Hungry ! || Me want banana
Cheers || Kampai
Ugly! || Bananonina
I swear || Underwear
look at you || luk at tu
Hunger/empty tummy || Matoka
I’m hungry! || Me want banana!
Ugly! || Bananonina!
I swear || Underwear
Toy || Baboi
What || Po ka
Ice cream || Gelato
Butt || Butt
One || Hana
Two || Dul
Three || Sae
For you || Para tu
Chair || Chasy
Can we start? || Pwede na
Stop! Stop! || Stupa! Stupa!
How dare you! || Sa la ka!
So far you’ve been an excellent child by getting excellent grades at school and being the star performer in team sports. With such a vibrant childhood, you are poised for big things in a life full of success and prosperity. Just make sure you don’t forget us when you rake in the millions. Wishing you a Happy Birthday Minions little super star!