Birthdays are for fun and to enjoy. There are numerous ways to wish a person happy birthday, you could wish that person with flowers or by sending an e-mail or by card. By in modern days who uses cards and stuff! And seriously we are always found pulling legs of our friends.
Happy Birthday Funny Images
So these were the awesome Happy Birthday Funny wallpapers , images and quotes. Also you can use memes to troll your friends on their Birthday.

Happy Birthday Funny GIF
GIFS: Click on the image to load GIF. Giphy is huge Source for GIFS. Here are some more Awesome Happy Birthday GIFS by giphy.
Sending Happy Birthday Funny images is optimal way of wishing the person by heart as well ridiculing him. So here is utlimate collection of Happy Birthday Funny Images, Quotes and Wallpapers.We have also included Funny happy birthday gifs.